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Mentorship • Advocacy • Discipleship

Life Skills • Communication • Creative Arts

Remember. Reach. Empower!

We exist to extend the love of Christ to the men, women and at-risk youth, who are bound by the chains of prison, addiction, poverty, and hopelessness.

Hebrews 13:1-3

Let brotherly love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.


Why We Exist

Christ has called us to run towards the least of these knowing that what we do unto them, we do unto Him. (Matthew 25:41-45) As an organization, we want to embrace those who have been ravaged by chains of all kinds, including those behind fences.  We know there are countless lost souls in chains (prisons, jails, rehabilitation centers, juvenile detention centers, etc) – to whom we wish to commend the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Hebrews 13:3 calls us to remember those who are in prison and the mistreated. Our hope would be that the local church would heed this call to not only bring the gospel and eternal hope of Christ to the lost, but to empower and equip the Incarcerated Body, to stir up and exercise their spiritual gifts as well. We believe that this is a multi-faceted call that extends to everyone inside the body, and if truly embraced by the church, would revolutionize how we view prison ministry, and result in countless souls being encouraged in the faith.


In our experience in prison ministry, we discovered a phenomenon. 90% of all individuals acquainted with the judicial system came from fatherless homes. This created a paradigm shift in our ministry to have a proactive approach rather than a reactive approach – focusing on reaching at-risk youth before they become statistics:

  1. Juvenile Detention Center: The youth lack positive role models and people that genuinely care for their success and well-being. We wish to provide Godly leaders, ministers, mentors, and role models that come alongside these youth to provide guidance, support, and most importantly, the hope of Christ. We will partner our participants with mentors who not only possess the experience and life skills we wish to impart to our participants, but the compassion and patience to walk it out with them.
  2. Prison: We are aware that within the walls of those very same prisons/jails – are born again, forgiven, chosen, gifted and anointed members of the Body. Some teachers, preachers, writers, authors, artists. Our world today has labeled and defined prisoners by their conviction. Often times, we fall into the trap of believing that they are beyond the reach of grace. We believe that God not only loves prisoners, but that He uses them, like any redeemed sinner, to further His kingdom. (1 Corinthians 1:26) We believe that “anyone” in Christ is forgiven, and a new creation. (2 Corinthians 5:17)  We desire to be a conduit through which their gifts can be exercised, the body can be edified, and Christ glorified.
  3. Chains of Addiction: We believe that addiction (although powerful enough to take control of, and even claim lives) is a secondary issue. Meaning, we believe addiction is the “symptom” of some form of underlying brokenness or bondage. We believe addiction is, unequivocally, the result of an individual’s attempt to mask or numb pain or guilt, from past trauma or present circumstance. We do not believe addiction is permanent. We do not believe, “once an addict, always an addict”. We believe that an encounter/relationship with Jesus is powerful enough to heal the hurting, and to permanently break the chains of addiction.. Therefore , our treatment will be Christ-centered, faith based, and focused on installation of hope.
  4. Future: Our dream would be to one day offer assistance in three key areas:
    • Foster Children/Juveniles: We wish to establish mentoring that not only teaches them the technical/soft skills necessary to be successful; (i.e., vocations, interview prep, communication classes, etc.) We also desire to help them discover their gifts & purposes. To create a space where we can teach everything from anger management, poetry, creative writing, etc…
    • We desire to provide relief and assistance to men and women who are currently incarcerated as well. Things like hygiene, products, stationary items, clothing, commissary, pen pals, etc. We wish to formally establish programs like the B.I.N. ( Brothers In Need) where we will partner with different organizations and institutions to provide hygiene and other items to the Incarcerated Body, that may not have support from the outside world.
    • A transitional housing program for both men and women coming home from incarceration, that will help with housing, employment, resumes, fines, restitution, etc… those suffering from impoverished circumstances and those struggling with addiction. We would love to provide a holistic, Christ-centered approach to healing and overcoming their chains.

We value the Bible as the Word of God, our final authority, the foundation upon which 13:3 was established, and the fountain head from which all of our values flow.

We believe the same God that chose Joseph and Paul has a remnant in chains today. Our vision is to reach them, encourage them, empower them, stir up the gifts within them, and allow their light to shine out of darkness, in a way that the world witnesses their good deeds and glorify our Heavenly Father. 

We believe that children are the future. We believe that the enemy has an agenda to destroy our youth. But we also believe what the enemy means for evil, the Lord means for good.


Our aim is to extend a genuine, authentic brotherly love that reaches out to the  marginalized, broken and outcasts of society. Our heart is to run towards the hurting and broken with a Christ centered love that will embrace people where they find themselves, and help them reach their potential in Christ. 

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